Welcome to Helen-Mary's Journey

Dive into the culture of North Africa as I travel to Morocco to teach English.
Check out below some of areas I have been reading in prep for Morocco.
Thanks for going on this journey with me.

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Morocco: Where did it start?

     This journey began in Israel the summer of 2023. Always sunny, hot and dry in Nazareth, Galilee, I was walking with a pastoral team member of Nazareth Trust. We were walking through one of the general floors of Nazareth Hospital.

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Long Term Journey: Light Shining

Some of you have heard and I will be sending out a newsletter plus calling you to connect and share my ministry vision and financial goals; I am headed back to Morocco to teach in the same Montessori as this past summer. I will be leaving in July 2025 for the entire school year.

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Medinas and Markets

The Medina market is famous in Morocco and prevalent in many cities. The above pictures are from the Medina in Marrakesh. To learn more about it's history check out this link: https://www.tripsavvy.com/medina-in-marrakesh-morocco-4123455

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A hammam or communal bath is very cultural in Morocco. We got to partake in one in Agadir.

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Connections; relationship

These are two ladies who assisted me daily in our classroom. In thinking about building relationships... connections, I was struck with what one of my teammates said about what he enjoyed most about this time in Morocco. He said he was impacted most by how each conversational and interaction is intentional. It is constant in our minds for this short time the purpose of this visit. Connect with others in relationship .... Hope to have opportunity to share about our hope in our Beloved.

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Food is important in every culture. In this North Africa culture food is connected to building relationship... with family or community. So meals last for a longer time and typically are served on a big dish in the middle of the table with everyone eating out of the common big dish.

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Community..... we are created to be in connection by our Father who is the master of connection, pursuing us to connect even when we are running full speed away from him. My heart has been so blessed with the connections I have had here with my precious team, leaders, children and LaChysalide staff. Those who are like minded have been deep connections, intentional knowing we are part of a much bigger fight and not just the day to day circumstances.

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Mint Tea; hospitality

Mint tea in Morocco is a traditional drink that you see everywhere. Above you will see the very industrious gentleman on the beach carrying a coal burner and tea pot with everything to stop and sell a shot of mint tea to in beach visitor. It is minty (see the fresh mint leaves) and sweet. 

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We are in the 2nd week of teaching English to children 3 years to 12 years old. I have 5 and 6 year olds. Most days I have 13 students. I teach a full day from 8:30 am to 4 pm each day. Students practice speaking conversational English and basic phonics sounds. Most of my students have only a little bit of English even though they can write the alphabet. I have 10 girls and 3 boys. Students also spend part of the morning outside in games. In the afternoon students have special classes and I taught all 60 students basic watercolor the first week. This week I am working with another teacher to teach music and dance to 3 and 4 year olds. Most students are excited to speak English and all parents want their child to learn how to speak fluent English on top of already knowing French and Arabic. The language barrier makes it challenging at times since I do not know French but we have made progress. ;-) This school believes in full immersion instead of using translation to support in the beginning. The investment in these children is very satisfying. 

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Dwell; be at home

In our time this past week as a team and individually we were challenged to meditate on Ephesians 3 which caused me to wonder what our Father is wanting me to learn. In my Fellowship at home for the entire summer we are studying and going through the entire book of Ephesians. This past weekend I was struck with the word, "dwell". It strikes me as a warm, familiar and inviting word. To me I think of resting and being at peace; settled in; present. 

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Earthquake; New City

Agadir is a modern looking city due to a devastating earthquake that destroyed most of the city in 1960. See this link to learn more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1960_Agadir_earthquake

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About me

I have been teaching since 1991 when I went to China to teach English. At heart I am a Montessori teacher but have traveled many roads in the "teaching" world.