Morocco: Where did it start?

Published on 4 January 2025 at 19:36

     This journey began in Israel the summer of 2023. Always sunny, hot and dry in Nazareth, Galilee, I was walking with a pastoral team member of Nazareth Trust. We were walking through one of the general floors of Nazareth Hospital.

     I had traveled to Nazareth, Israel after our Father had impressed on me to go and serve people. I was volunteering with the pastoral care team in the hospital a few days a week.

     As I walked with Christine through the hospital we went into a small room with 3 female patients in separate twin beds. The room was very crowded with the 3 beds and other equipment. There was not a lot of room for more than a few people. One woman was close to my age and covered, so I knew she was Muslim.

     This is an Arab hospital in Nazareth, a city with a majority of Arab Muslims.

     The woman smiled faintly and Christine spoke fluent Arabic with her. She did not want us to pray with her but chatted for a bit. I smiled and greeted her even though I could not converse in Arabic with her.

We went on to other patients but another day we were on the same floor and saw this same woman.

      I felt a connection to her. She was looking at me and asking Christine questions about me. How old is she? (She asked Christine.) I wondered why she was in the hospital so long. I wished I could have taken her hand and encouraged her that our Father saw her and loved her.

      This is where my journey began. God nudged my heart and gave me a desire to connect with Arab women and share the good news of his love for them. 

     Now I am going back to an Arab culture in Morocco. Through teaching with ELIC I will have opportunities to connect and share the good news of our Father's love.

      Thank you to those who have invested already in this work in Morocco. This is very encouraging to have ministry partners. 50% of my need has been fulfilled, but 50% is yet needed. Monthly investors is most needed, but one time gifts are also welcome. 

      If you would like to invest in this work go to the following link:

Thank you,


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