We arrived in Morocco this past Tuesday around 12:30 pm. It struck me as all 15 of us supported and watched out for each other to make sure we all got together to our destination that I live so independently at times. We all are of different ages from 19 yrs old to 20's to 30's to me at 60. ;-) I am challenged by how some of these younger students watch out for and take care of each other even though none of us met before JFK airport. Traveling together has connected us and reminded me of what Paul was talking about in Ephesians....being unified and caring for each other.
After arriving we hit the ground running getting settled for a few minutes into our apartments and then going to our site leaders house to eat lunch. We are all very tired but excited to meet our team leaders and see where we are staying. Jessica is my roommate and such a blessing. (pic above)
We spend the afternoon after lunch (trying to stay awake) learning about our new culture and what we need to know as far as what is appropriate in showing respect for this culture.
We are challenged to anticipate others' needs and work together as a team. Just like traveling here and how so many on my team have demonstrated putting other's needs before their own, I am struck with how our Beloved did not tell us to live independently but to serve each other and watch out for other's needs before our own.
There are so many new things in this culture that are a bit challenging as a woman from a different culture. I realize though that our focus is connecting and serving the people here and showing respect for the culture will give us more opportunity to make connections.
My brain is still processing jet lag and tired a bit from full days so I hope this makes sense. ;-) So much to share.
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